Mardale updates

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6 Replies to “Mardale updates”

  1. Here are a couple of drone shots of the valley last year and lastweek, the water is still fairly high but with a bit of luck and no rain for several weeks their could be more to see, keep watching for updates on the level of the water and what may come into view.

    Another visit from the air last year showing field head bridge,

    1. Hi Davy – what happened to your talk talk site? I used to love looking at that. Will some of that be added to this site? – it was fascinating to read.
      I’ve been sharing your flickr site to a few folk with the recent low water levels. Hoping to get to visit there again soon. (and Richard – just ordered your book :))

      1. Hi Rich

        Sadly TalkTalk pulled their free hosting site so it went the way as the say, No, my site was totally seperate to Johns blog, when I put up my website I never even knew John existed, but now knowing the level of data that John has, I really encouraged him to do his wonderful book, I am glad he did such a wonderful job, on what is an important archive body of this local historical act.

        I do not plan on doing another website now that John has completed his book, and to do another book would be really hard to equal, the information that John has been gathering far more in depth informaion for much longer than myself, once you read his book it will become obvious that it has much more than my old site and for me the go to place for the best for what is Mardale from any other source.


      2. Thanks for your interest Rich. As you will find out when you read Mardale Mysteries this valley has been an obsession to me. I would very much like to know if you enjoyed reading it . I did attempt to ‘ move away’ from just a local history book by weaving together different threads in order to create a coherent whole. I’m not sure what that means but I was trying to include a little bit of everything for everyone. I shall never forget September 30th 1995 when I was the first person to walk a long section of the old road and see the sad remains of Whelter, Flakehow and the primary school and Rowan Park. I could go on and on but a single malt is calling me Cheers Richard John

  2. Thanks so much for your interest and expertise regarding Mardale Davy. Sadly, so many old Mardalians have passed away recently that Davy and I are possibly the only two left who have this vast knowledge of the drowned valley. I have now completed Mardale Mysteries and very soon it will be available to anyone who wishes to delve back into the past. The intriguing past of a long lost world. ‘Mardale of Old.’ Richard John Cooke

  3. The water levels are now in the officially low category according to this monitoring web site,, that puts them today 3 feet below the official low levels.
    If the drought continues things will begin to show faster from here on in, lets hope the Mancunians get very thirsty from now on and the old village of Mardale Green and the old Packhorse bridge will show itself again soon.

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